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Orlando Figes 
The Europeans 
Revolutionary Russia 
Just Send Me Word 
The Whisperers 



Iablokov, Iurii Evgen'evich
Born in Riazan, in 1926. A graduate of the Department of Hydrology at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University, he worked at various hydrological research institutes and for the Hydrometeorological Service. He was involved in the installation of hydroelectric stations in the town of Mirnyi (in Iakutiia), in the Saian Mountains, as well as in Cuba and Cyprus. He was the Chief Hydrologist for the project to divert part of the flow of various Siberian rivers into the Central Asian Republics of the USSR. He has been married twice, has two children, and lives in the small town of Ivanteevka, in the Moscow region.

Father: Iablokov, Evgenii Ivanovich. Born in Riazan, in 1887, into the family of an Actual State Councillor. He studied in St Petersburg and Lyon, and graduated in Botany from Moscow State University, after which he taught at a gymnasium in Moscow. Following the October Revolution, he moved to Riazan, where he also worked as a teacher and lecturer at the Pedagogical Institute. He was arrested in 1938, sentenced to 8 years' corrective labour, and sent to the Karlag camp and Ust'-Minega. He died in a hospital in April 1944. Posthumously rehabilitated in 1955.

Mother: Iablokova, Nina Ivanovna, née Kirkinskaia. She qualified as a nurse and worked in this capacity during the war with Germany and Austro-Hungary. After marrying, she dedicated herself to the house and bringing up her two children, but following her husband's arrest she started to work again, in a local medical centre for children. She died in 1994, in the town of Bolshevo near Moscow, and is buried there.

Sister: Iablokova, Irina Evgen'evna. Born in Riazan, in 1923. She received a higher education, specialising in electrochemistry, and worked at various Scientific Research Institutes in the field of space technology. She now lives in Moscow.


The Interviews
He comments on his father's letters from prison, and on their impact on the family.

The Family Archive
The archives contains a verfy large collection of postcards and letters, and photographs.

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